This article summarizes the daily life application of organic chemistry in daily products like cosmetics, petrochemicals, and other organic compounds. Materials which we encounter everyday are made of organic matter. From body to air and water, organic chemistry has its influence Chemistry WordPress Blog.
Organic Chemistry is a chemistry branch that deals with organic compounds like hydrocarbons, alkanes, alkenes, etc. Scholars think it is only limited to textbooks, but they may be surprised that it is used daily. There are myriad of household and other products where its principles are used. From metabolism to our bath soaps, chemistry has its influence everywhere. If you still disagree with our statement, read this article and figure out its everyday examples.
Daily life uses
Polymers consist of long chemical chains and molecular branches. The most common polymers available for you every day are organic molecules. It’s few examples are nylon, acrylic, PVC, polycarbonate, cellulose, and polyethylene.
Petrochemicals are chemicals derived from crude oil or petroleum. Fractional distillation is the chemical process of discrete raw materials into organic compounds. The examples include detergents, dyes, gasoline, plastics, food additives, natural gas, and drugs. Get the best chemistry solutions manual online to know more about the petrochemicals formulation.
Soaps and detergents are the daily household product for cleaning and washing purpose. If you are thinking about why we included it in the list of organic chemistry uses, then read this part. Soap is made by the saponification reaction, which reacts with an organic molecule (e.g., animal fat) to produce glycerol and crude soap. However, soap emulsifiers deal primarily with greasy, greasy (organic) surfactants, which reduce water surface tension and increase the solubility of organic compounds.
Whether the scent of the perfume comes from a flower or a laboratory, the molecules you smell and enjoy are an example of organic chemistry. A perfume bottle consists of 78 to 95 percent ethyl alcohol. The remaining ingredients are comprised of essential oils. Making a perfume is not an easy task and requires extensive knowledge of organic chemistry, and it’s comprised of volatile compounds.
The cosmetics industry is a fascinating field under organic chemistry. Chemists examine skin changes in response to metabolic and environmental factors, make products to overcome skin problems, and enhance beauty. They also analyze how cosmetics interact with the skin and other products.
In the human body, a various chemical reaction takes place to run the metabolic activity. As we all know, 60% of the human body consists of water; do you know what the rest part consists of? Its minerals like calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and much more. From food digestion to other metabolic activity, a various chemical processes occur in our body, where organic chemistry principles are required.
Not just your cosmetics and beauty products apply organic chemistry principles. Furniture, computers, automobile, and other organic compounds are formulated using the same. Inorganic compounds like rock, air, metal, water also have influenced by organic matter. Hence, we can’t ignore the fact that we are surrounded by it. As a college student, you must know its importance and application. It is one of the modules which carries high mark weightage. If you seek the best academic guide for the same, purchase the 8th Edition of the Organic Chemistry Solutions Manual.